Monday, October 8, 2007

Torchwood...No my crotch isn't on fire! A great new Sci-Fi show .

Torchwood is an underground, under-the-radar top secret earth defence force against aliens. A spin off of the wildly popular Doctor Who series, Torchwood shows a much darker side to the Doctor's universe. Gruesome murders and some what explicit sex seens are normal fair, but in my opinion after seeing 5 episodes the fact that the good guys don't always win is a welcome formula change and adds a sence of realism to an otherwise fantasy scenario. The characters are cool and believable even if the plot isn't. A great way to spend an hour before hitting the town on a Saturday night. A great show for fans of Sci-Fi. You can also see all missed episodes for free on BBCA I hate Comcast.


Cracked said...

I was skeptical about this show...but after watching it and with an open mind...I really liked it...they hype is well deserved. They just gotta put it out there more for ppl to see. Is it showing on Skiffy (sci-fi)? I watch it on BBCamerica...and yes, comcast does blow! I miss roadrunner.... :~(

You know what else is really good? That new Bionic Woman show...I watched the first 2 episodes of that and it's not bad...and the actress that plays the title role...she's a hottie.

Just out of curiousity...did you follow BSG at all?

MadSheep said...

Yes I followed BSG and it was a very good show. Torchwood is not on Sci-Fi yet. Bionic Woman? I'll try and catch it.

Excaliburt said...

YES COMCAST SUCKS. Tank you that is all.